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Category: The Hatch

Know the Right Mattress Design for the Executive

Choosing the right mattress may be fun and also challenging. You can design it at will. So that you are not confused in doing Mattress design, here are the right design tips and techniques can help you to lay the right mattress.

  1. Let the light in

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Do not let your mattress block the light to get into where the mattress is located. Therefore, it should be placed in a place away from the window.

  1. Use custom furniture
    Create custom furniture that fits the place of your mattress. With this you can make the most of every available space perfectly.
  2. Choose the right mattress size
    When you choose a mattress, it is advisable to choose a mattress that fits your needs. Do not be too big and not too small.
  3. Choose the right color
    You can use mattress colors that match your favorite colors.

Well, you will not be confused anymore right? Try to design your own mattresses yes!

Ketahuilah Desain Kasur yang Tepat bagi Eksekutif

Memilih kasur yang tepat mungkin menyenangkan dan juga menantang. Anda dapat mendesain dengan sesuka hati. Agar Anda tidak bingung dalam melakukan desain Kasur, berikut merupakan tips desain dan teknik yang tepat dapat membantu Anda untuk meletakkan kasur yang tepat.

  1. Biarkan cahaya masuk

Jangan sampai kasur Anda menghalangi cahaya untuk masuk ke tempat kasur berada. Maka dari itu, sebaiknya ditempatkan di tempat yang jauh dari jendela.

  1. Gunakan custom furniture

Buat custom furniture yang sesuai dengan tempat kasur Anda. Dengan ini Anda dapat memanfaatkan tiap ruang yang ada dengan sempurna.

  1. Pilihlah ukuran kasur yang pas

Ketika anda memilih kasur, disarankan untuk memilih kasur yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Jangan terlalu besar dan jangan terlalu kecil.

  1. Pilihlah warna yang tepat

Anda dapat menggunakan warna kasur yang sesuai dengan warna kesukaan Anda.

Nah, Anda tidak akan bingung lagi kan? Cobalah untuk mendesain kasur sendiri ya!

Still Classic but Elegant for an Executive

Source :

A mattress is the all-important element into a house. They can relax, watching television when using a mattress. No wonder, if someone be given to drink of a mattress that they want to do.

For you an executive who aged 40 to 50 annual, is very selective when picked mattress according to the criteria desired. By applying a particular theme, it will cause impression comfortable to anyone.

Recommendations of the theme that you can apply is a classical. Classical use touching of teak wood due having such as shades of plain and make use of mattress that are padded in order. So that, make their beneficiaries due to be harmonious, comfortable, and elegant, but it has the simple natural.

You can put mattresses wherever you want. Because, with the tagline “Live as A King”, makes you as a “King”. Thus, immediately have our Mattresses due to limited supply.

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